At State High, our vision is that schooling is a happy and inspiring experience. Your well-being is always our priority. We want you to maximise the opportunities that are available at State High and grow your personal potential. It is important to us that you belong and develop yourself intellectually, personally and socially.
Well-being can be thought of as a state where you realise your potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, work well and contribute to your community (World Health Organization, 2014).
You are a part of the Blue-Red-Blue family and we are here to support you. Below are resources and tools to promote your mental health, emotional, social, physical and academic well-being.
Academic well-being
State High Library – Read for learning and enjoyment. Log onto our school library through StudentNet. Study Skills Handbook – The ELES Online Study Skills Handbook helps you develop the study and life skills necessary for improvement and learning. Login details can be obtained from Heads of Year or the Guidance Officers.
Physical well-being
Yoga for Teens – Try this 20 minute practice for relaxation and focus. Sleep and Nutrition – Boost your energy levels, learning and concentration.
Social well-being
What would you like to try at State High? Join an extra-curricular program! Choose from cultural activities, sport and a wide range of groups including FIRST LEGO League, Tech Challenge, digital leadership and personal development.
Emotional well-being
Journaling is the act of recording your experiences, ideas or reflections. If you are unsure where to start, try answering the question, "What am I grateful for today?" The Smiling Mind app on your iPad is a popular and effective way to enhance well-being. Mindfulness is the act of deliberately focussing on the present moment in a non-judgemental way.
Mental health well-being
Kids Helpline provides information and advice for children and young people. This site is linked to the telephone counselling service. Bullying. No way! provides a range of useful information for students to feel safe, supported, respected, valued and free from bullying, violence, harassment and discrimination. eheadspace is a confidential and free online service where young people aged between 12 to 25 years can talk to a qualified youth mental health professional. eheadspace can help with a broad range of issues like bullying, drug and alcohol issues, depression and anxiety, relationships, concerns about friends, fitting in and isolation.
In addition to
海角乱伦社区’s student
services and support programs, you may download the following document
which contains online and phone support services offered externally:
All State High staff care about your well-being and want you to be happy and well. If you are not feeling great, you can talk to a trusted teacher outside of class time, or arrange to talk to your Head of Year or Guidance Officer.