Subject fees and other levies
At 海角乱伦社区, we offer an excellent educational environment and provide many opportunities to all students. State schools do not charge instruction, facilities and administration costs; however, some fees are essential to support the delivery of education.
The User Pays Scheme comprises the subject fees and other levies are invoiced to families at 海角乱伦社区 to support the delivery of education for students.
Payment of subject fees is mandatory. At State High, mandatory fees include:
- subject fees (in some cases inclusive of assessable excursions and camps directly related to the subject)
- a general levy
- an ICT/Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) levy*
- other levies and fees that may arise from time to time
*ICT/BYOD: This levy provides resources, over and above what the Government provides to state schools.
Some resources also incur an expense, however a state government allowance offsets some of this cost.
海角乱伦社区's P&C Association reviews and approves the fees each year.
Contact us for more information about the User Pays Scheme.
Textbook and Resource Allowance
State High does not operate a textbook/resource hire scheme—guardians will need to purchase resources and apps. Please refer to the Apps and Resource lists on the school's website.
The Queensland Government provides a Textbook and Resource Allowance (T&RA) to parents and guardians of eligible students to offset the costs of education. The allowance is paid to the school. The school then pays the allowance to its eligible families on behalf of the Department of Education.
The allowance varies annually. In 2024, the allowances are:
- $155.00 for Year 7 to 10 students
- $337.00 for Year 11 and 12 students
If there are changes to the allowance, we will inform families in our first school newsletter of each year.
More information on the Textbook and Resource Allowance can be found on the Department of Education website.
Most students are eligible to receive the Textbook and Resource Allowance once per year for six years (or for the duration of their enrolment at 海角乱伦社区).
Students are not eligible if they:
- are enrolled as full-fee paying International student or temporary visa holder
- are enrolled in a Centre for Continuing Secondary Education (CCSE)
- are undertaking part time distance education from a non-state school accredited for distance education
- are enrolled after the first Friday in August
Receiving the allowance
Parents/guardians can choose to have the value of the Textbook & Resource Allowance:
- donated, wholly or in-part, to the P&C Association
- credited on the first invoice of the school year
- paid to them via EFT
When you enrol your child, you will be asked to indicate your preferred option on the User Pays Scheme Agreement Form included in the Enrolment Offer Package.
Summary of fees
There are two types of compulsory fees: Subject fees and the general levy.
Subject fees
Subject fees cover the cost of resources, excursions/camps (if applicable) directly associated with the subject. Subject fees for Junior and Senior students are available to download via the About our school page on our school's website.
When you enrol your child, you will be asked to sign the User Pays Scheme Agreement form that is included in the Enrolment Offer Package. This Agreement form outlines the terms and conditions of the User Pays Scheme. We ask that you acknowledge that you have been advised that the school charges subject fees for subjects undertaken by the students; and that you will support the school by paying the fees.
The school endeavours to provide as much information to parents to allow informed decisions to be made.
The 2024 subject fees documents for Junior School and Senior School students are available to download below:
For a detailed list of resources included under User Pays Scheme, please download the 'User Pays Scheme Subject Fees and Other Levies Components' document.
note: This document will be available on our website soon.
When you enrol, you will be asked to sign a form indicating that you understand the school applies fees for the subjects undertaken by students.
General levy
The general levy includes:
- Administrative management of activities programs at the school, inclusive of affiliations (all students are expected to participate in an interest activity). Activities may include, but not limited to: Creative writing, Amnesty International, Greenscape environmental club, F1 in Schools, First LEGO League, Student Digital Leaders, The Ink Drop (Student Newspaper), Student Representative Council, Peers for Academic Success, Tech Crew and Duke of Edinburgh.
- Student ID Card
- User Pays Scheme management
- Entry fees to sports carnivals and whole school events
Extra-curricular & recreational activities (optional)
Optional extra-curricular and recreational activities (e.g. performing and visual arts, chess, debating and sporting activities), formals, socials, movie nights, overseas travel, year level activities, fundraising activities are offered to students to enhance the educational experience at the school. These are not mandatory.
Charges for recreational activities are based on a cost recovery basis and are determined by expenses incurred for the activity and the number of participants. Expenses may include travel costs (including insurance), venue, catering, gifts for overseas schools, decorations, security, etc.
Levies for extra-curricular activities are calculated on a cost recovery basis. Costs may include some or all of the following:
- engagement of specialist coaches or accompanists
- catering for visiting school principals and sports masters
- trophies and awards
- enhancement equipment
- reasonable equipment replacement and repair
- filming by audio/visual specialists
- operating expenses (photocopying, repair costs)
- referee expenses
- sports medicine (ambulance on site)
- training bibs / singlets
- transport
- hire of uniforms / costumes
- venue use / hire
- reasonable light refreshments for participating students
These levies are also based on the number of students who are participating in the activity. Levies are set after consultation with parents who sit on an activity's sub-committee, masters in charge, Extra-Curricular Office staff and the school's finance department. Parents/guardians are informed of these levies prior to students participating in the activity to allow them to make an informed decision. These levies should be paid before the start of any activity, or in the first week of the activity's season.
View the Extra-Curricular Activities section of the school's website for more information.
Invoices are emailed to parents and guardians in Week 4 of Semester 1 and Semester 2. Statements are emailed in Week 4 of each school term.
- Year 10, 11 and 12 students are invoiced for subjects in Semester 1 only – costs cover the whole year
- Year 7, 8 and 9 students are invoiced in Semester 1 and 2, as they change subjects each semester
- Fees for Year 10, 11 and 12 students undertaking certificate/diploma level courses may also be included on invoices with other subject fees, however, in the main these courses are invoiced direct to parents by the registered training organisations (RTOs).
The following payment options are available:
- QParents (preferred)
- BPoint
- Centrepay
- Qkr!
- In person at the B Block Finance Counter
For more information on payment options, download Payment Options for Parents (PDF, 106KB). Payment options for excursions are provided in the excursion information letter.If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact our Accounts Management Officer on (07) 3291 4213 early in the year to set up a Payment Plan. A Payment Plan allows you to pay fees gradually, however, must be paid in full by the end of Term 3 of the same year.
By contacting us early, you can ensure your child's extra-curricular and recreational activities are managed responsibly.
Non-payment of levies and fees
Levies apply to all students, irrespective of the category of enrolment in which they are enrolled. It is essential that subject fees are paid so that resources can be provided to teachers in the classrooms. This school ensures that classrooms are resourced well, and to a high standard. This cannot happen without your support.
As per the Terms and Conditions of the User Pays Scheme Agreement signed by parents prior to enrolment:
16. Non-payment of subject fees may result in debt recovery action in accordance with the Department's Debt Management procedure. In such cases, the Principal may: - Withdraw the student's participation in the User Pays Scheme
- Withhold the provision of any further items under the User Pays Scheme
- Exclude the student from optional, non-curricular activities and/or
- Initiate debt recovery action
If a parent/guardian wishes to apply for a refund due to their child ceasing participation in an activity, they may do so by completing a
Claim for Reimbursement form (PDF, 1.18MB), which is to be returned to the Finance Counter at the B Block Student Services Centre or emailed to Please refer to the school's
Refund Policy (PDF, 172KB).